Universal Expansion Joint with Tie-Rods in Petrochemical Industry
Politeknik designed and manufactured several all stainless steel double gimbal, double hinge, single hinge and tied expansion joints with inner sleeves.
The idea of establishing a petrochemical industry in Turkey was adopted in 1962. Petkim Petrokimya Holding A.Ş. was established on April 3, 1965 under the leadership of TPAO, following the studies and evaluations performed.After many years, in 2008 Petkim has been handed over to SOCAR&Turcas Petrochemical.Politeknik has always been a part of these biggest industrial leader’s projects. When PETKIM decided to act implement a decision a new column revamp project, they collected some quotes by the competitors but Politeknik was awarded the project because of our vast experience in chemical fluids and it’s applications.
Operating Conditions
- Operating Temperature: ~150°C
- Working Pressure: 5,3 barg
- Media: Acrylonitrile
- Size: DN500
- Material: AISI 304
- Lateral Movement: 30mm
- Connection: Floating ASME B16.5 Class 150
- Design Code: EJMA